Research For An Persuasive Essay Topic Should Students Wear Uniforms In Schools
Monday, September 30, 2019
Strategic Management Analysis of Saudi Aramco Ltd.
To: Prof. Dr. M. Mahmodul Hasan. Course Instructor, Faculty of Business, AIUB. Re: Submission of Term Paper on Saudi Aramco. Dear Sir, It is a grand contentment for us that we have been capable to submit the report. It’s been an enormous practice for us to bring about such a job and we took pleasure in the whole term paper making actions. We tried our degree best with our knowledge to make a full pledged report by analyzing all the available information. We hope that we have fulfilled all the requirements you have asked for. We would be delighted if you kindly accept the report and oblige us thereby.On behalf of the group ‘Jeener Badshah’ With Best Regards, Plaban Roy. Id. No. 11-94732-2. MBA Course: Strategic Management. Section: A. Department of Business Administration. Contents of term-paper as follows: 1. Acknowledgement Letter 2. Executive Summary 3. Definition of Strategy 4. Most Strategic Management Model 5. Company Detailed Profile including mission & visi on and Organogram 6. PESTEL, SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 7. SWAN Analysis & TWOS Matrix 8. Value Chain Analysis 9. ViSA Model & SMARTER Model 10. The BCG chart 11.PURE Objectives & GREAT Model 12. Market Analysis including Market Segmentation 13. EFE Matrix 14. CPM Matrix 15. QSPM Analysis 16. Financial Analysis 17. Competitor Analysis 18. Breakeven Analysis 19. KSF Analysis (Industry Key Success Factors) 20. Strategy Evaluation and Contingency Plan 21. Recommendation 22. Conclusion 23. References 2. Executive summary: Saudi Aramco (Arabic: ?Aramko s-Sa? udiyyah), officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, is a Saudi Arabian national oil and natural gas company based in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.Saudi Aramco's value has been estimated at up to US$10 trillion in the Financial Times, making it the world's most valuable company. Saudi Aramco has both the largest proven crude oil reserves, at more than 260 billion barrels (4. 1? 1010 m3), and largest daily oil producti on. Headquartered in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco operates the world's largest single hydrocarbon network, the Master Gas System. Its yearly production is 7. 9 billion barrels (1. 26? 109 m3), and it managed over 100 oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia, including 279 trillion standard cubic feet (scf) of natural gas reserves.Saudi Aramco owns the Ghawar Field, the world's largest oil field, and the Shaybah Field, one of the world's largest oil fields. Operations: Saudi Aramco is headquartered in Dhahran; and its operations span the globe which include exploration, producing, refining, chemicals, distribution and marketing. Objective of the study: 24. PESTEL, SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 25. SWAN Analysis ; TWOS Matrix 26. Value Chain Analysis 27. ViSA Model ; SMARTER Model 28. The BCG chart 29. PURE Objectives ; GREAT Model 30. Market Analysis including Market Segmentation 31.EFE Matrix 32. CPM Matrix 33. QSPM Analysis 34. Financial Analysis 35. Competitor Analysis 36. Breakeven Analysis 37. KSF Analysis (Industry Key Success Factors) 38. Strategy Evaluation and Contingency Plan 39. Strategy Evaluation and Contingency Plan 3. Definition of strategy: Strategy (Greek â€Å" †– strategia, â€Å"art of troop leader; office of general, command, generalship†) is a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. Strategy becomes ever necessary when it is known or suspected there are insufficient resources to achieve these goals.Strategy is also about attaining and maintaining a position of advantage over adversaries through the successive exploitation of known or emergent possibilities rather than committing to any specific fixed plan designed at the outset. Henry Mintzberg from McGill University defined strategy as â€Å"a pattern in a stream of decisions†to contrast with a view of strategy as planning [2] while Max McKeown (2011) argues that â€Å"strategy is about shaping the fu ture†and is the human attempt to get to â€Å"desirable ends with available means†. Good Strategy + Good Strategy Execution = Good Management . Most strategic management model: 1. PEST analysis 2. STEER Analysis 3. Five Forces Model 4. Strategic Group Map 5. SWOT analysis 6. Blue Ocean Strategies 7. Open innovation 8. seven S model 5. Company detailed profile including mission ; vision: The world’s need for energy is growing, but so too is our ability to meet that demand. Our teams have been discovering new and better ways of delivering petroleum energy since 1933. Find out more about our leadership, our history and the people who make us the world’s leading integrated petroleum enterprise.Who we are Not only is Saudi Aramco the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we are also a fully integrated, global petroleum and chemicals enterprise and a world leader in exploration, production, refining, distribution, shipping and marketing. We manage the world’s largest proven conventional crude oil and condensate reserves of 259. 7 billion barrels. Our average daily crude production in 2011 was 9. 1 million barrels per day (bpd). We also have stewardship over the world’s fourth-largest natural gas reserves of 282. trillion standard cubic feet (scf). Saudi Aramco’s downstream accomplishments include our rank as the8th largest refiner in the world, with a worldwide refining capacity of 4. 02 million barrels per day (including domestic refineries, and domestic and international joint and equity ventures). We are also theworld’s top exporter of natural gas liquids (NGL). Headquartered in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco and its subsidiaries have offices throughout the Kingdom. We also have offices in North America, Europe and Asia.Our subsidiaries and affiliates are located in Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, India, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, the United Ara b Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. Our operations span the Kingdom, including its territorial waters in the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea, with production and distribution linking all market areas around the world. Vision: * Future of energy * Reliable supply * Contributing to the economy * Developing human potential * Sustainability * Wellness Powering possibilitiesAt Saudi Aramco we’re leading the drive to solve some of the issues that matter most to the global energy industry. We consider it our responsibility – to the Kingdom and the world. Transforming for the Future By 2020, Saudi Aramco will have evolved from being the leading oil and gas company that it is today, into a fully integrated, truly global energy and chemicals enterprise with extensive operations across the globe. What we aim to be tomorrow will facilitate a diversified and sustainable expansion of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s economy and enable a globally compet itive and vibrant Saudi energy sector.Our vision for the future is best described through the company’s 2020 Strategic Intent: * Shaping our business portfolio through establishing an integrated value chain approach in our crude oil mix, further develop the Kingdom’s unconventional gas resources and become a leading global chemicals and refining company. * Supporting the Kingdom in building a vibrant energy industry by promoting an energy efficient economy, developing alternative energy options, and building a technology portfolio. Delivering an agile, flexible, and efficient organization to achieve operational excellence and world-class reliability and safety performance through improved operational efficiency, agile decision-making and budgeting activities, insightful performance measurements, and business process improvement. * Building capacity, knowledge, and skills to improve our processes and systems of leadership selection and development, performan ce evaluation, innovation, and research and development. We will take the lead in developing a knowledge-based economy in Saudi Arabia.In short, we aim to unlock the potential of our people and our enterprise to transform from a company of which the Kingdom is proud into a company of which the world is proud. 6. Five Forces Model The five forces model is a framework that analysts use to evaluate the interior factors affecting competition and the external factors affecting bargaining power. This helps to understand the industry and what strategies are needed to gain a competitive advantage Rivalry Among Existing Firms (Low) 1. Threat of New Entrants 2. Threat of Substitute Products 3. Bargaining Power of Customers . Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining Power of Suppliers * High competition among suppliers | | | | * Volume is critical to suppliers | Bargaining Power of Customers | | * Product is important to customer| | * Large number of customers | Intensity of Existing Rivalry * Government limits competition| | * Large industry size | | | Threat of Substitutes * Substitute is lower quality | | * Substitute has lower performance | | * Limited number of substitutes| Threat of New Competitors * Strong distribution network required| | * High capital requirements| | * High learning curve | | Entry barriers are high | SWOT analysis Strengths * Spending on alternative energy. * Investment in high profile project. Weaknesses * Declining sales of refined products, resulting in lowering top line growth. * Declining replacement rates in recent years. Opportunities * Growing Asian-Pacific population and expansion of their economy will lead to greater demand for energy * Bio-fuels and alternative energy methods Threats * Prolonged global recession * International Union Strikes and other global political events (Environmental issues) SWAN Analysis StrengthThe brand image they have created sustaining over 80 years. Management who are highly skilled and to operate the com pany Weakness Declining profit over the years Unable to cope up with the existing competitors to become the leader in the industry Achievements Have major achievement in taking out the oil from deep of the desert Emerged as one of the biggest supplier of Oil Next Step Achieving the global leadership Beating the close competitors Developing the skill of the local employees. TOWS Matrix Factors| Weight| Rate| Weighted Score| Opportunities|  |  |  |Better management of product lines| 0. 18| 3| 0. 54| Globalization| 0. 21| 4| 0. 84| Environmental concerns| 0. 21| 4| 0. 84| | | | | Threats| | | | Fierce competition| 0. 2| 3| 0. 6| War and terrorist attack impact| 0. 2| 3| 0. 6| Total| 1. 00| | 3. 42| | | | | Strength| | | | The brand image| 0. 22| 3| 0. 66| Skilled management| 0. 13| 2| 0. 26| Enriched natural resources| 0. 15| 3| 0. 45| | | | | Weaknesses| | | | Improper utilization of natural resources| 0. 25| 3| 0. 75| Lack of local skilled labor| 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| Local techn ological non advancement| 0. 17| 2| 0. 34| Total| 1. 00| | 2. 62|
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Importance of the Bungalow
In the transition of the 19th to the 20th century, American families turned their interest to a new style of home; the bungalow. This new style of housing would be smaller than the previously popular living arrangements such as the Victoria style home. The bungalow homes were more uniform with each other, which created a more homogeneous look in neighborhoods. They were also much more affordable home to Americans than previous homes, and promoted efficiency and progressivism. The word bungalow was described by Gwendolyn Wright as â€Å"usually referring to a relatively unpretentious small house†¦ the term implies a one-story or story-and-a-half dwelling of between six hundred and eight hundred square feet. †Bedrooms were very small, and the kitchen was usually only big enough for one person to work in at a time. Edward Bok, the editor of the Ladies‘ Home Journal, promoted a variety of Progressive causes. He used the magazine to publicize the simple bungalow style. He stated that â€Å"we need only to be more natural: to get back to our real, inner selves. He believed the homes at the turn of the century were too cluttered and over-furnished, and many of the homes problems were directly related to nervous breakdowns of women in that time period. Bok thought many women were pressured by social criticism to refrain from simplifying their home, they dreaded the possibility that their rooms would be called â€Å"bare. †But more simp licity in the homes would, in turn, also make lives simpler. Families could have fuller lives because they would have more time. Gustav Stickley was one of the more influential promoters of the bungalow home. Stickley suggested that many social issues and problems could be remedied by the adoption of a more simple home style. Even issues such as divorce rates, lack of servants, crime, and civil disorder. He believed that â€Å"the dominant characteristics of the pioneer yet shape what are the salient qualities in American life. †He went on to say that â€Å"to preserve these characteristics and to bring back in individual life and work the vigorous constructive spirit†¦ is, in a nut-shell, the craftsman idea. Stickley proposed that the seemingly obvious place to begin readjustments was in the home, as it would appear natural that the relief from friction, which would follow the ordering of our lives along more simple and reasonable lines, would not only assure comfort and efficiency to the American workers, but would give children a better chance to grow up under higher degrees of mental, moral, and physically efficient conditions. New innovations in kitchen design would make more people, especially women, receptive to the bungalow style house. At this point, it is clear that women are becoming more active in mainstream society. Before the bungalow, most often employed female domestic servants were the primary workers in the household. These domestic servants were usually black married women rather than live-in workers. The bungalow building designs would allow more and more housewives to cook and create meals in their own kitchens. Between 1900 and 1920, the number of domestic servants declined by half, from eighty per thousand families to thirty-nine. Gwendolyn Wright says builders praised â€Å"the smaller, better-equipped kitchen, planned for the domestic scientist who had no need of a servant. †Women were now more able to experiment in the kitchen, and new appliances allowed for quicker preparation. These new appliances also gave housewives more time, which in turn, made it easier for them to become part of the working world if they chose to do so. Typical jobs that many women held in this era were receptionists, clerical workers, and typewriters. Building corporations also favored the outbreak for new, more uniform, and simpler housing. Most of the country was still available for construction, which gave these companies many opportunities. The simple design also made them easy to construct, which in theory would allow for greater profit. This is similar to the developments popular in today's society. These developments now will be erected just about anywhere there is open land, just as small bungalow's most likely did in the early twentieth century. This type of house was a â€Å"progressive house†in the sense that it had technological advances such as better equipped kitchens, running water, hot water heaters, and machines. The advancement of the bungalow would eventually lead to greater architectural discoveries, including the suburbs that comprise much of this nation's real-estate. The bungalow was widely accepted by society because democratic architecture meant good homes available to all Americans through economy of construction and materials, together with the necessary standardization.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Global marketing strategy and product launch Essay - 1
Global marketing strategy and product launch - Essay Example The report concludes by highlighting the possible problems likely to be encountered in the expansions and goes further in giving the recommendations on the overcoming these challenges. AUDIT Company background Tesco PLC is one of the leading companies among the food retailers in United Kingdom with a market share of 15% , the company not only sell food items but also other products including clothing, housewares , alcoholic beverages and gasoline. This company has its major markets in United Kingdom, Wales and Scotland where it has over 550 supermarkets where about 250 are superstores, it also operate in other countries under the various brands and a major independent gasoline provider in United Kingdom and because of its expansions of its operations and market it has emerged to be among the top multinational companies in United Kingdom. Tesco Stores limited was found in 1932 and has grew rapidly and for a number of decades it has grew rapidly, this was attributed by the acquisition of various grocery chains and the development of superstores which offered a variety of food and other non-food goods which were relatively less expensive. During 1970s the company has a slow because of the intense competition from other companies like J.Sainsbury PLC. There were price wars between the two Companies and this led to many small retailers driven out of the market, the strategies applied were mainly to win customer trust and loyalty. In 1983 it change its name to Tesco PLC and thereafter collaborated with Marks % Spencer and developed major shopping centres across other cities outside United Kingdom as well as launching of new products. In 1990s the company concentrated on the acquisition of new markets and development of new products and services, it expanded into the various countries by taking over and merging with other companies. The company aims at building a multinational empire in Europe by developing new and innovative products and services and to further seek opportunities to expand into overseas countries and markets. The more recent developments and innovations by the company include the introduction of Clubcard loyalty card, Tesco Visa card, Tesco saving accounts, Tesco personal Finance and the launching of its brands and products in the newly acquired and developed markets all these are aiming at consolidating the company hence ensuring that it has enough strength to venture in launching of new products and markets. Environmental analysis There are several factors which have led to Tecso PLC to consider in venturing and launching its operations in overseas markets notably are the business environmental factors which. This analysis is the evaluation of the Company external analysis comprising threats and opportunities and five business environmental dimensions are involved, these areas of dimensions include economic, legal-political, social cultural, technological and the future certainty. Economic These are the economic trends that h ave influence Tecso PLC to consider venturing in the in expansion to overseas markets, these factors that are comprises the target market includes: better terms of interest rates in the target market; higher economic growth rate, per capita income and disposable income; availability of a wider sources of power energy; lower and moderate rates of inflation and where there is moderate levels of employment in order to easily acquire
Friday, September 27, 2019
Walmart Just In Time focus on procurement and distribution, logistics Research Paper
Walmart Just In Time focus on procurement and distribution, logistics management processes and benefits of process for Walmart - Research Paper Example In this context, this study focuses on the Just in time inventory system and the logistics management Wal-Mart is using. Just-in-Time Concept of Inventory Many authors defined just in time inventory (JIT) system differently, but it all refers to a system wherein materials are delivered just in time for its use whether in manufacturing or selling. In JIT system, it has been the practice of companies like Wal-Mart to schedule purchases and production only as needed to meet actual consumers’ demand. The purpose of this system is to reduce inventories to a minimum level, or wherever possible to a â€Å"zero level†(Accounting for Management, n.d.). As the concept would suggest, JIT for Wal-Mart is a cycle that means products for sale are received from supplier just in time to replenish the stocks on the shelves, thereby reducing inventories from their previous level. The Just in time inventory system has been applied at every stores of Wal-Mart, and as observed, the secret lies in its sophisticated just in time logistics system found in the RFID technology. The system has provided Wal-Mart a continuous tracking, real-time sales feedback from every store and plot stock depletion rates so they can arrange new deliveries just as existing supplies are about to run out. The illustration below depicts a Just in-time system inventory management that begins with the order of the customer, and the processes that channels the ordering system. JIT system is ideal for manufacturing and merchandising concerns that tends to eliminate too much inventories which are not needed in the manufacturing or sale immediately. Source of diagram: (Accounting for The logistics management of Wal-Mart, an introduction to RFID In order to understand the complexity of Wal-Mart operations and why there is a need for a logistics management process, an insight to its structure is presented. Wal-Mart manages retail stores worldwide in a range of set-up. Its segments inc lude US market, International market and the on line ordering system. The US segment carries almost all items ordinarily found in a supermarket store, or may be easier said, â€Å"ask it, Wal-Mart has it†(WMT Profile). The international segment has various formats of stores and restaurants that include a combination of discount and grocery stores, supermarkets, supercenters, cash and carry stores, hypermarkets, general merchandise stores and the Sam Clubs. The Sam Club segment, which is available thru membership, carries merchandise, hard and soft goods and selected private-label items. Profile of Wal-Mart stores showed the following number of stores as of January 31, 2010 (Table1). Table 1 Number of Wal-Mart Retail Stores as of January 31, 2010 Number of stores Location Number of stores Location 803 discount stores United States 43 Argentina 2,747 supercenters United States 434 Brazil 1158 neighborhood markets United States 317 Canada 596 Sam Clubs United States 252 Chile 1 70 Costa Rica 77 El Salvador 164 Guatemala 53 Honduras 1 India 371 Mexico 55 Nicaragua 56 Puerto Rico 371 United Kingdom 279 Peoples Rep. of China Source: Yahoo Finance, 2010. Wal-Mart Stores Profile Logistics management process of Wal-Mart In the above scenario of retail stores, tracking of individual products in its different chains and warehouses is a difficult task. This would need an efficient system of monitoring and control such that Wal-Mart saw a need for a
Thursday, September 26, 2019
DISSERTATION (Litrature Review) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
(Litrature Review) - Dissertation Example This is disturbing for the UK economy as international students help to fund UK higher education. Migrants come to the UK for various reasons and students comprise of about 26% of the total migrants that enter UK as shown in the chart below: Source: Somerville & Sumption (2009). However, the precise number of international students is not known as no statistics are maintained of both the private and the public sector institutions (UKCISA, 2010). Amongst those studying full-time at publicly funded higher education institutions 214,000 were non-EU students out of a total of 306,000 students. The public funded further education colleges and the private colleges could have more non-EU students but the figures are not known. The immigration statistics can be confusing as those studying for less than six months are granted visa under a different category called ‘student visitors’. The non-EU students that have been granted clearance in the past few years are as shown in the ta ble below: Source: UKCISA (2010). These figures show a sharp increase over the past few years. The private institutions can set their own fees but at the state funded institutions the non-EU students have to pay the total fees with fees typically being between ?8000 and ?15000. International students account for over 40% of the total postgraduate students (UKCISA, 2010). About 50% of these students are engaged in research degrees but there is no subsidy offered to non-EU students. While there is a ‘cap’ on the number of EU students that can be accepted because of the limited funds, there is no cap on the number of international students that can be accepted. The private sector collages in the UK offer a wide variety of courses and are often less expensive thereby being affordable by the international students. International students contribute to the local economy because higher the number of students more jobs in the administration of the colleges and universities, add itional income or the UK universities and export income for the owners. International students enhance global connections. During the Asian financial crisis also student inflow had diminished in the UK while Australia had gained in student flow as a result. Another reason that student inflow is affected is because students started working along with studies as savings are reduced. The top ten UK student source countries have been shown in the table below: Source: Somerville & Sumption (2009). 2.3 Drivers of change in the current environment Internationalization of higher education is a response by academic institutions to a globalized world. This is basically a response to the new age which is marked by globalization, competition and marketization (Cheung, Yuen, Yuen & Cheng, 2011). Internationalization of education can be done in many forms and currently the most important form is the exporting of higher education service done through recruitment of overseas students. UK and Austra lia had so far been leading in recruitment of international students but Singapore is fast catching up. In Singapore education is considered a â€Å"knowledge industry†and accounts for more than 3 percent of the GDP. Education is fast becoming a global, market-oriented, private industry, and international mobility of students is a major concern for HEIs. The international trade in education services has become a major source of income in many countries. In Australia education services sector was the third largest exporter in 2007 while in the
International Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
International Business Management - Essay Example For example, cost of wages paid to casual employees in a company. Indirect labor refers to labor that is not directly related to converting raw material to finished products. An expense refers to all cost incurred in the production of finished goods other than material and labor costs (Drury, 2008: p28). Revenue is an increase in the net worth resulting from a transaction. In business, revenue is the money received from selling products or services. It is collected when it is earned. Revenue consists of three items; total revenue, average revenue and marginal revenue (Jain, 2011: p43). Total revenue (TR) is the total income of the firm. TR= Quantity * Price. If a firm sells 1000 blankets at a price of $200 each then the TR will be $200,000. Average revenue (AR) is the revenue per unit of sold output. AR= TR/Quantity. For example if the revenue for sell of 1000 blankets @ $200 is $200,000 then AR= 200,000/1000. AR= $200. Marginal revenue (MR) refers to additional revenue incurred from the sale of additional output. For example, if the TR realized in the sell of 1000 blankets id $200,000 and that from the sale of 1001 is $200,400 the MR of the 1001st blanket is MR= $200,400 – 200,000. MR= $400. Managers need to scan for factors that affect the viability of their organization in order to maximize their profits and remain competitive. These factors are both internal and external. They include politics and law, technological factors, culture, and governance. The success of the organization is dependant on how managers strategize these factors in order to achieve prosperity. In the current global marketplace, culture is a key influence on the success of the firm. Culture influences the entrance and sustainability of an organization in the international market (Hill, 2012: p 235). Managers have to learn and understand cultural differences with their international suppliers and consumers in order to create a direct contact.Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Undermining Of Nationalism By Globalization Essay
The Undermining Of Nationalism By Globalization - Essay Example Since nationalism focuses on the patriotic feeling, globalization does not have any such attachments so to speak (Taylor 2002). The element of a proper national identity seems amiss when one discusses the finer aspects related to globalization, as this has added to the internationalization of individuals, companies, and events in entirety. There is a great deal of learning at hand with regards to nationalism and globalization which will be discerned and discussed in the context of this paper. Nationalism is a combination of the national rights that an individual has for his own nation. But globalization does not agree with the same premise. Therefore nationalism has more relation with the nationalistic stance as compared to the globalization debate. In some viewpoints, nationalism goes one step ahead of globalization and hurts its cause. Therefore it would not be wrong to suggest here that the nationalism regimes get seriously undermined by the globalization approaches that are undertaken every now and then. The companies have also held on to this belief for a long time now, especially with the advent of the globalization realms which have shaped up the world, and have played their vital role at changing perspectives. Since individuals and corporations have long relied on the extent and positives attached to the phenomenon of nationalism, globalization has taken a nosedive especially within the quarters of the patriotic feelings and sentiments (Moeller 2006). However this cannot be said with reference to the business conglomerates, multinational organizations and business corporations of repute who have for long believed in the premise of going global and staying within the national domains as well. There are some hindrances in terms of studying the globalization ranks but one thing which assures the debate is that globalization is here to stay as it brings quite a few positives which the phenomenon of nationalism has been unable to inculcate or provide in the recent past. Nationalism can be taken control over yet globalization remains an entity which is still unexplored and there is much to learn in the coming days (Guibernau 1996). Globalization is a very strong and mighty phenomenon which can easily absorb the nationalism concept yet nationalism keeps on coming back to haunt the basis of globalization in the current times.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Case Involving Garner against Tennessee Research Paper
The Case Involving Garner against Tennessee - Research Paper Example Garner’s father sued the police officers, the mayor of the city Memphis and the specific police against breach of Garners right provided for under the Fourteenth, fourth and eight Amendments (Levy, Karst, and Winkler, 2000). He alleged that Hymon violated the rights of Garner when he shot and killed him. He sued the mayor of Memphis, and the police department because of their failure to effectively train Hymon and supervise him. He denotes that this contributed to the behavior of Hymon that made him kill Garner. He specifically used the 1871 civil rights act, section 42 which protected citizens against anyone who breached their rights in accordance with the United States Constitution (Pollock and Klotter, 2009). The district court ruled in favor of the mayor, the police department and Hymon. The district court ruled that the Tennessee deadly force statute was constitutional, and Hymon did not deprive Garner of his constitutional rights. On appeal, the court repealed the Tennes see deadly force statute, denoting that the law was unconstitutional, violating the fourteenth and the fourth amendment. The appeal court was particularly interested in the fact that fleeing suspect did not pose any danger to the police officers, or other people within the surrounding. The appeal court ruled that by killing a suspect who is unarmed, by officer violates the rights of such a person in regard to seizure outlined in the Fourth Amendment of the American constitution (Levy, Karst, and Winkler, 2000). The court, in the 1978 case involving department of Social services against Monell, denoted that it is possible to charge Municipal councils against liability. This was a case challenging the constitutionality of the maternity policies of the Education Board of New York.Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Business regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business regulation - Essay Example For the industry, alcohol beverage uses a wide range of marketing tools where most young people are greatly exposed in everyday life (Brabbs 2002). Further, these marketing tools result in abroad range of marketing practices that range from event sponsoring to TV commercials from advertising in social media to giving away promotional items across UK. To this effect, the paper will focus on effective alcohol marketing in the UK. The paper will quest to give a detailed analysis of alcohol advertising in the region, advertising and children, codes and practices as well as offer solutions aimed at effective alcohol advertising. The alcohol manufacturing and advertising agencies argue that it is legally possible for the alcoholic products to be advertised since they are legal products. Bans on the advertisements of the alcoholic products are argued to have adverse effects to the alcohol market as well as the media. The stakeholders argue that the advertisement on the products is aimed at promoting their sales as well as offering a chance to have new drinkers to the new individual brand product. There is arguably no link between the advertisement of alcoholic products to the overall levels of consumption of product or any related harm (Edwards 2004). The product advertisement has an objective of increasing its sales, maintaining the competitive advantage and provision of information to the customer on the new additives and improvements of the alcohol products of choice. The advertisements also offer a chance for the drinkers to ascertain the right products and differentiate them from counterfeits (Edwards 20 04). Evidently, the intensity of advertisement and promotion of the alcoholic products appears also to provide sanctions as well as the legitimate use of the products that may result in the increased damage on individuals as well as the societies. However, alcoholic advertisements are viewed to be one sided as they avoid any
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Religion and Ethnic Diversity Essay Example for Free
Religion and Ethnic Diversity Essay Religion and Ethnic Diversity Buddhism was first found in India about 2,500 years ago. Buddhism is an increasing popular religion that continues to be the leading religion in the Far East. Buddhism has advanced over to a large amount of countries that have embraced a vast variety of customs, rituals, beliefs, and practices. Buddhist’s do not believe that a God created Earth. Buddha is the only Master, Buddhists believe in. Buddhist’s acknowledge that the ultimate purpose of life is to establish consideration for all living beings without inequity and to perform for their piece, good, and happiness. Buddhists have incorporated the Four Noble Truths in their lives, which are Dukkha, SamudÄ ya, Nirodha, and Magga. According to The Four Noble Truths (2013), 1.The truth of suffering (Dukkha). 2. The truth of the origin of suffering (SamudÄ ya). 3. The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha). 4.The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga),†(The Four Noble Truths). Buddhism does not share common characteristics with other religion groups. Buddhism is, however, receptive to other religions and beliefs. This religious group acknowledges the way other religions teach those involved. These individuals do not believe in a God. It is a belief system like all other religious groups. There are individuals who do not accept Buddhist and believe that those who do are not going to heaven. Others who refuse to understand Buddhism and how it works dismiss it completely because it is not what they believe in. Even though Buddhism is not America’s most practiced religion, its beliefs and ideas have been passed into American culture. It has helped blend American culture. Today there is a large amount of Buddhists who contribute to promoting peace amongst one another, reaching out to those who are in prison and who are homeless, and some even do advocacy for the environment. Buddhist’s experience hate just like other people in other religions. In 2003, Chung Tai Buddhist Group applied to construct a meditation and worship center in the city of Walnut, California, but the application was later denied. Not only did the City Planning Commission deny the application, but also residents were against building the center. Residents disputed against the plan because they believed there would be an increase in traffic and noise. A few years later the City Planning Commission approved an application to build on some of the area Chung Tai had prepared to use. In 2010, the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit stating the city of Walnut; California treated the group unreasonably while dealing with the permit to build the worship and meditation center for Chung Tai Buddhist Group. The Department of Justice came to the conclusion that it was religious discrimination. After learning what Buddhism is and where it originated from allows me to understand it more. I now know that it is not only about humming and repeating a few words in another language, but also learning how to live a happier, more pure life even with the struggles and unfortunate events that can occur. Not only that, but respecting every living thing as it is. The Chinese are quite different from other racial/ethnic groups. The two most common languages used in China are Mandarin or Cantonese. Mandarin is t he government, education, and media’s main language that is used in China. Known as the ‘common language,’ mandarin is the first language that is spoken. The Chinese are a combined society with the urge to associate themselves in groups, whether it is to their work group, family, country, or associates. The Chinese depend on non-verbal communication like tone of voice and facial expression, to reveal what other maybe thinking or feeling. The Chinese believe in an ethical system known as Confucianism. Confucianism is a set up of ethics and behaviors that signify responsibilities of people towards one another based on their relationship. The Chinese have and continue to contribute to American culture in many ways. Many Americans embrace Chinese religions. Converting to Buddhism and so many other Asian religions. In the 1800’s Chinese immigrants helped working with the gold miners. These men helped construct the intercontinental railway. The Chinese have brought their recipes to American cultures that have been passed down from generation to generation. The Chinese brought their customs, language, and social organization into Amer ican culture. On May 6, 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act was signed into law. It was brought about in reply to economic concerns in the West Coast, where Americans imputed unemployment and withheld wages to Chinese workers. Americans at the time viewed the Chinese as racially indifferent. Even though the act was repealed during World War II it only allowed 105 Chinese immigrants per year into the United States, which still showed prejudice against the Chinese. I believe the source of prejudice against the Chinese was economic benefit. A large amount of Chinese immigrants came to the states to seek employment opportunities, but were denied at times because of the direct need for employment. I do believe what I have learned about the Chinese helped me understand this group. I learned what a big contribution to our culture they provided. I also learned that because of their great impact on American culture some individuals take those same customs and values and incorporate them into their own lives. The Chinese and Buddhist experienced similar situations dealing with discrimination because they were both persecuted for being who they are as individuals. Neither one of these groups tried to be something they were not, so they were prejudged and treated unfairly. These groups experienced different situations dealing with discrimination because the Chinese were discriminated against based on real and observed racial dissimilarities. Buddhistâ₠¬â„¢s were discriminated against based on who or what they believed in. Buddhist’s were also discriminated against because of their feeling towards their religion and those belonging to other religious groups. Discrimination towards these two groups and the many others is wrong. It has restricted these groups from opportunities that should have always been available to not only one group, but also all groups of individuals regardless of their appearance or their beliefs. 1. The Four Noble Truths. (2013). Retrieved from 2.
Friday, September 20, 2019
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